Our goal is to create opportunities for the families of Extortion 17 to create healthier lifestyles and to provide financial relief in times of need. We consider it our responsibility to make a positive impact in the lives of each family. Whether through grants we provide, or through partnering with other non-profit organizations that offer programs or services that we do not, we are devoted to the families and creating a legacy the men of Extortion 17 would be proud of.



  • Individual limits will not exceed $3750 annually
  • Family Grants range from $750 to the maximum range of $1500
  • Family members must submit an online application for consideration
  • Applications may be submitted at any time during this funding cycle
  • Applications will be vetted by the Board of Directors at each monthly board meeting
  • Travel Grants are aimed at assisting with costs of travel for family members to memorials, Arlington National Cemetery, anniversary events, events surrounding the 31. Limit for this grant is $1500.Lifestyle Grants are aimed at improving health and lifestyle via physical fitness, nutrition, holistic treatment, etc. Limit for this grant is $1500. Emergency Grants are aimed at assisting with unforeseen events which cause financial hardship on the family. Limit for this grant is $750.
  • Priority and funding will be based on the Primary Next of Kin list


** To ensure that your application has the best chance of being funded, the proposed use of the grant should fit within guidelines provided.

(These exclusions are based on programs or services that already exist within other organizations and are available to you upon application)

  • Funds must benefit the family member directly
  • Requests must come from either a Primary or Secondary Next of Kin
  • Requests must fall within the outlined categories
  • Request must be within the outlined dollar figures
  • Funding for events
  • Legacy Programs
  • Advertising, film or video project.
  • Contests or pageants.
  • Capital campaigns and endowments (defined as any plans to raise funds for a significant purchase or expense, such as new construction, major renovations or to help fund normal budgetary items).
  • Grants where money would be paid to vendors whose programming or policies may position 31Heroes in a negative light.
  • Political causes, candidates, organizations or campaigns.
  • Salaries, stipends, tips and rewards.
  • Scholarships (tuition, room, board, other expenses for college/university/vocational school attendance).
  • Tickets for contests, raffles or any other activity with prizes


Requests for items or programs that work toward the overall mission of the program will be considered. If a request is denied we will provide you with another solution via another organization who already fulfills that particular need.
Yes. You can request multiple grants but the total awared to you will not exceed the established annual limits.
Yes. You can submit applications for multiple vendors. However, your request must directly benefit you and your immediate family and must not exceed the established annual limits. We also request that you limit the number of pending applications to 3.
No. Only financial grants are available through the Family Grant Program.
You will receive an e-mail notification once funding decisions have been made.
All Grants will be reviewed monthly at the Board of Directors meeting to ensure the proper criteria have been met. The Board meets the first week of each month. Once requests have been validated for eligibility it will take 3-5 business days for vendors to be paid via check by mail or over the phone payment.
If approved, grant will be paid in full or partially, directly to the vendor listed in the grant
application. Once payment is made you will be notified via email and it is your responsibility to
coordinate deliver or goods or services.
Please allow up to 90 days for your application to be reviewed. If it has been more than 90 days, please contact us at info@31heroes.com.