31Miles for 31Heroes
August 3, 2024 - August 4, 2024
Registration is OPEN. Limited spots are available.
Join us for the annual Ruck for Extortion 17.
To celebrate the incredible lives of these fallen heroes and support their families, 31 Miles for 31 Heroes will hold memorial rucks at various locations throughout the world.
August 3, 2024 in Washington, DC and around the World
August 10, 2024 in Tampa FL
31Miles for 31Heroes is a 31 mile ruck through the night to honor the lives of the Heroes of Extortion 17. Participants will carry 2 bricks in their rucks, one to represent the lives of our fallen and the other to represent the burden carried by their families.
Periodically, Ruckers stop to read the bios of these warriors and raise a drink (of water) to their memories. All funds raised will benefit 31Heroes, a non-profit which serves to impact the lives of our nation’s heroes and their families, while remembering the fallen.
Sponsor Opps available.
Email Info@31heroes.com